Navigating the Big Girl Insurance World

Another day of over sleeping led me to miss group today, which was fine, considering the doctor know I am in a weird world of insurance limbo now that I am full time status.

My benefits package came in the mail today, oddly labeled 2015 instead of 2016, telling me I am on a default plan with very little coverage but the option to see whatever doctor I want for a co-pay. That’s awesome considering I can finally see a legit doctor and get some much needed things checked out and taken care of. The state issued doctor on my medicaid  is too far away for me to see, and now I’m able to find someone else closer to me.

It seems this leave of absence, the promotion to full time, and the weird week in between benefits enrollment  all seemed to happen at the right place at the wrong time.  All I know is that the sooner I get back to work, the better I’m off considering now I have to worry about my insurance deduction from my paycheck.

Good stress and bad stress combined….. can’t we call that “Eh?” stress?

I have a few mandatory appointments this week, one at the new doctor at work and back to group to see the main doc who can sign my paperwork and send me back to work.

What was supposed to be a good month for me has become a battle against my brain, time, and a few bottles of meds. I want my life back, and I sure as hell will fight for it.

At least it’s a start.

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